Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Towson University ART 101

Jeremy Jirsa, “Connections”, September 2010

In this piece I wanted to create a self portrait through the use of something to portray my self. I chose to use intertwined fingers in order to display the close relationship my family has with one another and display their inter connectedness. The hands used in the photo are actually those of my mother and father (there are tree hands in total with in the photo).

Jeremy Jirsa, “consumption”, October 2010

In this photo my goal was to display a man consumed by his stressors to the point where they are literally suffocating him. The goal was to keep the subject very ambiguous so when the view finally realizes what they are looking at they are caught off guard, slightly shock, and over whelmed, all feelings that might felt when in the same situation as the individual photographed.

Jeremy Jirsa, “Iceberg”, October 2010

The point of this picture was to recreate a memory of a film or scene that stuck out in my mind. The scene that inspired me was the pivotal point in the movie “titanic” where the spotters see an iceberg and notify the captain. I wanted to create such a pivotal point in my own style, leading me to the photo presented before you.

Jeremy Jirsa,  “spiral”, September 2010

I created a still life out of something that I do not find much pleasure in, schoolwork. I decided to take pencils being that they relate to schoolwork and create and almost abstract spiral design in order to give my composition movement. At the same time this spiral mimics the way I feel sometimes when doing my work.

Jeremy Jirsa, “Release”, 2010, 29 sec

In this piece I wanted to create a change, to express something being released from inside which is causing the human form to change and almost become possessed. Leaving the true meaning of what exactly is being released or changed into ambiguous so that the viewer can lay their own meaning into what is happening.

Jeremy Jirsa, “Mirage”, 2010, 1 min 9sec

A daydream turned into a nightmare as things take a turn for the worst. Slowly losing control of his own body the subject resorts to suicide, a course he has not chosen for himself as he then wakes up.

Jeremy Jirsa, “ROOMMATES”, 2010, 4 min 30 sec

A comical look at my own discrepancies with my roommate.

Jeremy Jirsa, “Assimilating”, 2010,  2 min 20 sec

 The goal was to use and everyday house as a metaphor and setting for someone’s journey into the after life. The stairs symbolize the journey from death to rebirth as the girl travels from the dark bottom of the stairs to the lit top side where once the door opens she has been reincarnated into a cat. The other imagery such as the water washing away of the black paint represents a baptism/rebirth and the washing away of the sins from the past life. All together playing on aspects of different religions as the main setting is in a type of limbo setting. 

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